While Batman is an iconic member of the Justice League, he famously struggles to work alongside a team he's not in direct control of, and his Green Lantern costume reveals how deep his need for control and extreme autonomy goes. Batman: In Darkest Knight is an Elseworlds story, in which Abin Sur selects Bruce Wayne as his successor instead of Hal Jordan.

Released in 1994, Batman: In Darkest Knight – featuring the creative team of Mike W. Barr, Jerry Bingham, Digital Chameleon, and Pat Brosseau – sees Bruce Wayne given the power of a Green Lantern, joining the Corps following the death of his parents. While he goes about things differently as a result, the comic shows that in some ways, Bruce Wayne will always be the Caped Crusader.

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Bruce Wayne Will Always Find A Way To Be Batman

Batman as a Green Lantern in Batman: Darkest Knight

Bruce's Green Lantern suit follows the traditional green-and-black color scheme of the Laterns, but as with other Green Lantern Corps members, his outfit has some individual touches that set him apart. He retains a cowl, reminiscent of his Batman persona, thanks to the black upward-curving accent around his eyes. He looks like he's wearing a bat mask over the green cowl covering the rest of his head. If that wasn't enough to set him apart, he also dons a cape with the same edged trim he usually has. As with any reimagining of Batman's iconic visuals, there is only so much that can be done to escape the Batman look.

Green Lantern Crops represent.

It isn't unheard of for Green Lanterns to have their own style. Lantern Simon Baz wears a cowl like other heroes. Other Lanterns have their own flare to their designs. Guy Gardner is seen most often with his green vest. Capes aren't completely unheard of, though they ten to have smoother designs than Batman's. The majority of the Green Lantern Corps dons variations of the green and black bodysuit, as has been the case with Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, and Jessica Cruz. These designs show a theme of uniformity and unison within the heroic team. This is something Bruce Wayne just doesn't do well, being more of an individualist by nature.

Batman can work as part of a team when necessary, of course, as seen in Batman: In Darkest Knight's depiction of him as a Green Lantern, as well as his long association with the Justice League. He has always had sidekicks, and a variety of allies, to help him in the fight against crime. At his core however, he trusts his own abilities and insight over anyone else, and refuses to sacrifice his individual mission and tactics to a greater cause. Whether he is patrolling in Gotham, saving the world with the JLA, or joining the Green Lantern Corps in an alternate reality, Batman will always think of himself as alone, and hold his own philosophy and Bat-themed mission as the most vital cause - even when given the chance to be a smaller part of something much, much more ambitious.