Warning! Contains Spoilers For Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6!


  • In the Injustice universe, Wonder Woman's character is twisted, and she becomes a bloodthirsty maniac, which is completely out of character for her.
  • Wonder Woman's involvement in Superman's Regime is purely for plot convenience, as her true character would never side with Superman and try to rule the world.
  • Injustice retcons Wonder Woman's backstory to fundamentally change her character, as her pure heroic nature would have prevented her from joining Superman's Regime.

The Injustice universe takes a lot of characters and tries to put them in new situations — such as Superman becoming a dictator. While the plot tries to make these character changes organic, Wonder Woman is the exception, as she becomes a bloodthirsty maniac.

Jon Kent has to deal with the Injustice universe — and its Wonder Woman — in Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6 by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Jordie Bellaire, Wes Abbott. After siding with Batman's resistance, Jon goes and takes down each member of Superman's Regime. This includes taking out Hawkgirl, Yellow Lantern, and talking down the Flash. Jon doesn't really have any comments for these versions of the characters, even seemingly not seeing much difference in the Flash compared to Earth-Zero's counterpart. But Jon knows that Wonder Woman is wildly out of character.

Jon Kent Finds Injustice Wonder Woman Strange

In a brief battle against her, he notices her bloodthirsty nature and finds it strange. As he says to her: "...you are not the person you should be."

Jon Kent Knows Wonder Woman Isn't Herself

Injustice Wonder Woman Attacks Superman Jon Kent

Injustice is one of DC's darker universes. After Joker murders Lois Lane and destroys Metropolis, Superman eventually takes over the world while Batman leads a resistance against him. This dark universe usually tries to show the characters evolving into what they become: Superman doesn't start off murdering anyone who irritates him, but after years of escalation it reaches a point where Superman kills Billy Batson without regret. So, while Injustice Superman starts out the same as Earth-Zero's Superman, some characters have never been the same, even from the start. Injustice's version of Wonder Woman is infamous for just how brutal and bloodthirsty she is — for no real reason.

Even in a dark universe like Injustice, there's absolutely no way someone like Wonder Woman would side with Superman and try to rule the world. It is completely antithetical to her character, and the only reason it's part of the story is because Wonder Woman can beat Superman in a fight. If Wonder Woman actually acted in character and joined Batman's resistance, Superman would have had a much harder time doing what he did. Instead, this twisted version of Wonder Woman eggs Superman on, even saying he should make peace with killing people. She once even went as far as killing Batman's son in front of him.

Wonder Woman Kills Damian Wayne In Front of Batman

Wonder Woman Kills Damian

Wonder Woman is one of the most pure heroes in all of DC Comics, which is why Injustice retcons her backstory to fundamentally change her character in order for the story to work. If Diana was allowed to act as herself, Wonder Woman would have never joined Superman's Regime — and even DC knows it thanks to Jon Kent's unique perspective.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6 is on sale now from DC Comics!